Types and Symptoms of Spinal Tumor A spinal tumor is generally referred to as an irregular growth of cells present within the spinal columns. These tumors can either be malignant or benign. These tumors can be categorized on two basis: 1. By the area of the spine Primary spinal tumors These kinds of tumors take place in the spinal column like extending the bones, discs, nerves or other elements present within the spine. Primary spinal tumors are generally benign and strike within people of younger age. One of the most common non-cancerous primary spinal tumors is Hemangiomas. However other too most common primary spinal tumors that are malignant in nature are Osteosarcomas and multiple myeloma. Secondary spinal tumors These are metastatic tumors that originate from cancer that has occurred in some other body part but has extended into the spine. These are the most common types of tumors in the spine that are cancerous and have a higher probability of sp...