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Understanding Head Injury Treatment

Understanding Head Injury Treatment

Head injuries are considered to be one of the most widely recognized reasons for incapacity among adults and even youngsters. The damage can be either mild or severe depending upon the nature and extent of the injury. Head injuries are likewise generally alluded to as brain injury, or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). To give you a better understanding of the head injuries, The Institute of Brain and Spine Surgery (TIBSS), together with a team of the best brain surgeons in Chandigarh has laid down this post.
To begin with, let’s understand what the major types of head injuries are. Different Kinds of Head Injuries.


It is a mild form of brain injury. A concussion is usually common after wild head banging against the wall or floor in adults. Or in children, it is concussed after shaking of a child by the parents. It leads to wild cognitive issues or prolonged headache.

Skull Fracture

Unlike most of the bones in a human body, the skull doesn’t have bone marrow. This is the reason why the skull is exceptionally solid and hard to break. However, a fragmented skull is unable to ingest the impact of a blow, making it almost certain that there’ll be more harmful to your brain.

Hemorrhage (SubDural)

This is an injury that involves unmanageable bleeding. There are two types of haemorrhages, subarachnoid haemorrhage, and intracerebral hemorrhage or hematoma. In the former, the bleeding occurs in the space around the brain, while in the latter, it is within the tissues of the brain.

Diffuse Axonal Injury

This is damage to the brain that doesn’t cause bleeding however damages the brain cells at the microscopic level. This further results in the improper functioning of these cells. In spite of the fact that it isn’t a visible kind of brain injury, yet is one of the deadliest sorts of head injuries. It can prompt permanent damage to the brain and even demise.
Symptoms of a Head Injury, It’s imperative to know about different symptoms and danger signs. Symptoms of a severe head injury may not show up immediately. Therefore the best neurosurgeons in Chandigarh at TIBSS, recommend keeping a consistent observational eye on the side effects for a few days after you harm your head.

Symptoms of a Mild Head Injury

  • Bleeding 
  • Bruises 
  • Mild to Moderate Headache 
  • Nausea 
  • Dizziness 
  • Concussions, vertigo shot span Unconsciousness

Symptoms of a Moderate Head Injury

  • Confusion 
  • Vomiting (repeated) 
  • Prolonged Headache 
  • Blurring of vision 
  • Temporary alterations in the behavior 
  • Memory Issues 
  • ImbalanceDifficulty in speech

Symptoms of a Severe Head Injury

  • Seizures 
  • Poor senses 
  • Fluid or blood discharging from ears or nose 
  • Numbness 
  • Long term unconsciousness 
  • Deep coma or death

Treatment of a head injury

Being the best brain surgery hospital in Chandigarh, TIBSS the doctors here recommend treatment, based upon the following factors:
  • Age and medical history of the patient 
  • The intensity of the injury and severity 
  • Type of head injury

However, the treatments prescribed include

Being the best brain surgery hospital in Chandigarh, TIBSS the doctors here recommend treatment, based upon the following factors:
  • Rest 
  • Antibiotic ointment for superficial cuts if present 
  • Prompt medical assistance 
  • Hospitalization for appropriate assessment and subsequent treatment 
  • Sedation if agitation is present 
  • Decongestants (anti-swelling medication) 
  • Treatment of associated injuries and physiotherapy later on 
  • Surgery in case of severe head injury with localized hematoma or gross edema (swelling) in the brain causing pressure effect.



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